Final letter! Z!
This one I knew a few days ago, and I decided to write it and schedule it when I wrote Y.
I'm really into the Zodiacs, not for the horoscope aspect, but because people born in certain months, sometimes even certain years, and during certain universal alignments are likely to have the same traits, ticks, and likes as well. Having a Twitter, I follow one of the Cancer (Zodiac, not the illness) Tweets, and I love being able to retweet or favorite something because it says who I am so well. If you look up Cancers, you're in for a roller coaster, but enjoy the ride anyway! We appreciate appreciation. lol
So look up your sign and see how well it describes you and others. A good thing I've found in doing this is that just when I think I'm the only one who (insert anything here), I learn there are others around the WORLD who are like me. It's comforting.
And while I'm here, I want to thank everyone who stopped by, and especially those who followed this page! I'll probably keep it up for a few more days, then absorb it into my other April page. This has been one heck of a month, and because of that, it was a bad time to want to do something this involved, but I got through it! I'm happy.

- Debra Renée Byrd
- Deborah Hawkins, penned Debra Renée Byrd, began writing after a blank book project in elementary school and never stopped, fashioning stories based on her favorite TV shows and movies before creating more original works. She studied at the University of the Arts and Florida State University before settling down and graduating from Temple University. She now resides in her hometown of Dover, DE, where she spends most of her time at work or at church. She loves fantasies, superheroes, is a trekkie and a brown coat. She loves television and lives for Final Fantasy video games, having collected most of them. She has read a myriad of authors, and her favorite authors change whenever she finds a new book that changes her life... "When you can't run, you crawl. When you can't crawl...well, you know the rest." -Tracey, Firefly, "The Message"
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Monday, April 29, 2013
Music and Y
One more day, Jesus.
Today's letter is Y, and as an avid music lover, I thought I would suggest some of my favorite albums and songs that begin with the letter Y!
Youth and Young Manhood - Kings of Leon
It's not their best album, but it introduced us (if it was the first album you heard; it was my next-to-last) to this raw, wild Southern rock band of brothers and a cousin. Caleb has such a unique voice. It's lazy, soulful, and jagged all at once. The album itself took me a couple times to listen to before I liked it, because he does a lot of noise-making, and I don't often like noise-making. Other songs, he's just talking. lol But I do like this album.
Yuna - Yuna
This album speaks my life right now. I heard Yuna on Conan one night, and I bought her EP soon after, then her album soon after that (ironically, it came out the day after I bought the EP). Yuna is this little Malay lady with a whimsical folk voice, but she puts it up against soulful pop music. I love when people do different, and she is very different. It's a wonderful album, one of my favorites.
"You Don't Know My Name" - Alicia Keys
The first song Alicia put out on her sophomore album. The album itself is great, and up until the long talking sequence at the end of the song, I love everything about this song. The classic R&B melody, the story of a crush, the clap-along moment in the bridge. Love it.
"Yes I Will" - Backstreet Boys
People don't realize the R&B influence in BSB's music unless they're fans, but this song is the quintessential R&B love song co-written by AJ. It's still on my list of potential wedding songs whenever I get married.
"Young Blood" - Birdy
I love Birdy's version of this song. It's so young and fun and full of dreams. Birdy has a wonderfully smooth voice, and being so young herself, it adds a truthful element to the song. If my life had a soundtrack, this song would be on it.
"Your Body is a Wonderland" - John Mayer
Before he started talking, John Mayer was so sexy to me. That rasp-wispy voice, the guitar playing, the lyrics. This song is one of those playful bed ballads (I made that term up). I also love the pseudo-steal of his own lyrics from "My Stupid Mouth" incorporated in the chorus (I'm never speaking up again).
Saturday, April 27, 2013
X is for X-Men
2 more to goooo!
I've mentioned this before, but X-Men is one of the catalysts that got me into writing. Not the comic books, but the cartoon that came out in 1993.
This was my first look at these mutants led by Charles Xavier, fighting against human prejudice and the mutant crime wave. I developed a love for the "other," as someone who was often the only black student in my classes, then being considered to "act white" by black peers when I finally had some.
So one of the ways I escaped was by trying to emulate and imitate the X-Men. I wrote stories for 7 years about mutants living in a similar arrangement to the X-Men but who were teenagers trying to cope with teenaged life. I'll just call them the Hearts, because my awful titles for these stories always ended with Hearts (Wild, Stone, Captive, no idea why).
Who knows. Maybe one day I'll return to my Hearts. I had some great storylines going. lol
I've mentioned this before, but X-Men is one of the catalysts that got me into writing. Not the comic books, but the cartoon that came out in 1993.
This was my first look at these mutants led by Charles Xavier, fighting against human prejudice and the mutant crime wave. I developed a love for the "other," as someone who was often the only black student in my classes, then being considered to "act white" by black peers when I finally had some.
So one of the ways I escaped was by trying to emulate and imitate the X-Men. I wrote stories for 7 years about mutants living in a similar arrangement to the X-Men but who were teenagers trying to cope with teenaged life. I'll just call them the Hearts, because my awful titles for these stories always ended with Hearts (Wild, Stone, Captive, no idea why).
Who knows. Maybe one day I'll return to my Hearts. I had some great storylines going. lol
Friday, April 26, 2013
W is for Wawa!
Today's Letter is W.
For those not part of the Eastern Shore or Orlando (I can't believe they finally got one in Florida!), Wawa is not a random sound I'm making to have a post for W. Wawa is Heaven. All of your basic food desires, coffee dreams, and snack wishes (and sometimes gas, if it's a new one) can be found in a Wawa. I'm sure each region has its own version, but NOTHING compares to a Wawa. They have hand- and pre-made subs, wraps and breakfast sandwiches, soup, sandwiches, quesadillas, frozen coffees, smoothies, salads, little fruit platters, ice cream for days, juice, soda, a milkshake machine, a cappuccino machine, a Slurpee-type machine...
And since Wednesday was Administrative Assistant Day, my Director gave me a $10 gift card to Wawa! I will be living like a queen for a day! Do you know how much I can get for $10?? Honestly, I don't either, because I never really keep track, but I think at least breakfast AND lunch with money left over. I'm very excited (probably psychotically so).
But I grew up with Wawa in my life, from tiny Yardley town to down here in Dover. When I was at FSU trying to figure out if I wanted to transfer home, these were the three things that made me make up my mind:
1. My family
2. Tallahassee is really just an awful place
3. No Wawa
I kid you not.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
V is for Videos (Youtube, that is)
V Day!
So, if you want to watch me ramble, sing in English, Spanish and Japanese, play the piano, be silly and/or be silly with my sister, and/or watch one of my 12 playlists, Visit my Youtube page:
Also, try not to judge my username. I was in college.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
A Brief Rant on Unity
So I grew up in a Pollyanna sort of world where everyone liked everyone, and the struggles of the past were in the past...And then I moved and got a culture shock.
But I really wish there were no wars and hatred in the world, that people not even below the Mason-Dixon line wouldn't look at me and already have their own ideas of who I am and what I'm about because I'm black. I also wish other black people wouldn't look at me and devise their own ideas founded on ignorance that anyone striving for excellence and education and diversity wants to be anything besides black.
I'd love the world to live in unity and harmony and not suck sometimes.
But I really wish there were no wars and hatred in the world, that people not even below the Mason-Dixon line wouldn't look at me and already have their own ideas of who I am and what I'm about because I'm black. I also wish other black people wouldn't look at me and devise their own ideas founded on ignorance that anyone striving for excellence and education and diversity wants to be anything besides black.
I'd love the world to live in unity and harmony and not suck sometimes.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
T is for Time
Time is something I have not had this month, and it's starting to irritate me.
With Easter at the end of March, I had a lot of play rehearsals and Saturday events to prepare for, so I knew I'd have a chance to rest come April. WRONG. Didn't even have a week's rest. None of my weekends have been free, and deciding on jumping into the A to Z Challenge the day of was a dumb idea. I won't be doing this again.
Time is very legato otherwise. Some days go by before I even realize they've happened, and others drag to the point where I hate the day. Some days even do both at once, and that makes no sense. The next holiday that I get to have off because I temp for a state department is Memorial Day, so I'm going to try to hold on until then. I don't get vacation pay, so I really have no choice.
With Easter at the end of March, I had a lot of play rehearsals and Saturday events to prepare for, so I knew I'd have a chance to rest come April. WRONG. Didn't even have a week's rest. None of my weekends have been free, and deciding on jumping into the A to Z Challenge the day of was a dumb idea. I won't be doing this again.
Time is very legato otherwise. Some days go by before I even realize they've happened, and others drag to the point where I hate the day. Some days even do both at once, and that makes no sense. The next holiday that I get to have off because I temp for a state department is Memorial Day, so I'm going to try to hold on until then. I don't get vacation pay, so I really have no choice.
Monday, April 22, 2013
S is for Sabrina
So I actually have two sisters, but the other likes to think she's my mother, so I often ignore her. lol
But, she's actually the topic of the first book I ever wrote: My Sister and Me. At least, I think that was the title. The book is upstairs in a box somewhere. In the 1st grade, we were all given a blank book to write whatever we wanted, and that was the year I wanted to be like my big sister. I was a terrible illustrator, but I drew, too. The book made no sense and went from exposition to story 3/4 of the way through, but I've been writing ever since. :)
She's a really funny person, and extremely talkative (she gets that from my mom). I love her.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
R is for the Romantic
I love romance. Not so much romantic movies, but I love to read a good story with a romantic flare.
Robert Olen Butler writes wonderful love stories which often end tragically (read The Deep Green Sea) or have a soul-gripping journey to get to the happily-ever-after (A Small Hotel). I love his writing.
The romantic movies I DO like are the quirky ones and the Disney fairy tales, my favorites being Amelie and Enchanted. The suspension of my reality lies in those movies.
Friday, April 19, 2013
Q is for Quail Man!
Today's letter is Q, and I thought of one of the most beloved and admired characters of my childhood: Doug.
For those who didn't grow up on 90s Nickelodeon, Doug was your average Joe who had a cool blue best friend who honked for some reason, had a crush on a very tan gal whose last name was Mayonnaise, and who also wrote his own comic called Quail Man.
Quail Man was a superhero who had on Doug's green sweater vest, but his belt was wrapped around his head to match that of a quail feather, and he wore his underwear over his khakis. He also had a cape. The only story I remember of Quail Man was the time he saved the world to the point that there was now an 8th day of the week where everyone could just party. I still wish for that often.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
P is for Paper and Pencils
So, if you helped me clean my room right now (please come help me clean my room), you would find a hoarder-like amount of paper. I keep it around just in case I need something to write in at any given time. Several notebooks from my college years are probably still in the bin I can see in the bottom of my closet.
This might not be strange for writers. When I was younger, I used to carry extra paper and pencils so in between writing notes in class, I could write my stories. Apparently, my older sister says my little sister and I were very stingy about our paper. I'd deny it if I didn't cringe whenever my niece asks for some.
Since we got a computer in our home, I hardly used paper, but every now and then, it's all I want and need. I love paper. And pencils. Until they break, because as you can see, this isn't an entry about pencil sharpeners.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Ranting on O
Today's Letter: O!
One Direction annoys me. They're completely flash in the pan, and girls go crazy over them. The moment Big Time Rush comes back on, no one will remember One Direction (well, they might, but you know what I mean). And whatever their newest single is, where two of them are on a motorcycle interacting the way David Bowie and Mick Jagger did in "Dancing in the Street", kills my spirit.
Olive oil is a little too versatile. I can cook with it and keep my hair moisturized. Should I be able to do both?
I briefly had a Pinterest dedicated to baby owls, but there are only so many that didn't creep me out.
Big O was a great anime that doesn't come on Cartoon Network anymore. I like dark/noir anime.
Olivia Benson is so caring (watching an SVU marathon).
Side note: This is my first post for the blogfest where I've decided to write my entry at night and schedule it next-day, so they'll be up earlier.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
No Room for Doubt
Today's Secret Slime Action is...The letter N. haha
That makes no sense.
I wanted to look through the songs on my MP3 player for all the songs that start with N, but to do that, I'd have to go through all the other songs that start with the 1st 13 letters, so I nixed that, started to look through albums, but then I thought, "No Room for Doubt." <-- Official video, I believe.
This is a song by the beautiful and super talented Lianne La Havas, who my sister and I got to see in concert last Sunday! She tends to open with this song. It's a nice, sleepy love song. All of the songs on her album are wonderful. Take a listen, and fall in love!
Monday, April 15, 2013
M is for Music
Halfway to the end. I'm never doing this again. lol M!
Music is a big part of my life. I can't drive one block without turning on the radio, so here are some of my favorites.
My favorite radio station is WMGK Classic Rock, thanks to Supernatural producers making Classic Rock a big part of their soundtrack. The late 60s-70s really were the best times for music. So much diversity in the one genre.
My favorite pop group is about to celebrate their 20th Anniversary, and that is the Backstreet Boys! A big take that! To everyone who thought they wouldn't last past the "Boy Band" era (even though they were before then anyway). They've never broken up, and they've cranked out good music since 1993.
My "This is your life" album at the moment is Yuna's self-titled album. She's a very quirky signer from Malaysia, and there's not one song on the album I don't like. My favorites are "Lullabies" and "Deeper Conversation."
So what are you favorite things about music?
Music is a big part of my life. I can't drive one block without turning on the radio, so here are some of my favorites.
My favorite radio station is WMGK Classic Rock, thanks to Supernatural producers making Classic Rock a big part of their soundtrack. The late 60s-70s really were the best times for music. So much diversity in the one genre.
My favorite pop group is about to celebrate their 20th Anniversary, and that is the Backstreet Boys! A big take that! To everyone who thought they wouldn't last past the "Boy Band" era (even though they were before then anyway). They've never broken up, and they've cranked out good music since 1993.
My "This is your life" album at the moment is Yuna's self-titled album. She's a very quirky signer from Malaysia, and there's not one song on the album I don't like. My favorites are "Lullabies" and "Deeper Conversation."
So what are you favorite things about music?
Saturday, April 13, 2013
L is for Lying Down
As I lie down
Let everyone else have a good night
Let this sickness pass quickly
Like it usually does because I rarely get sick
Lying down and watching Nickelodeon
Looking forward to sleep tonight
It's the little things
(Let's pretend that line made sense in this poem)
Good night! <3
Friday, April 12, 2013
K is for Kadai!
Thank you, my little sister. lol
I had a long day, and also nothing for K until my sister brought home Indian food.
Kadai is the traditional cooking pot in Indian culture. I didn't have Indian food until about 3 years ago, when we had an inkling to eat from the Indian restaurant on the eastern side of town. We had lamb saagwhala, and our lives were changed. Garlic naan is awesome, too.
Tonight, I had lamb do piazza, which is seemingly a take on Italian? Tomatoes, onions, and garlic. Andi had lamb vindaloo, which has vinegar and something. It was yummy, though.
I'm a lover of most things food, so I implore you all to give something new a try (I'm pretty sure we only have the ONE Indian restaurant). I always try something once (and regret that, I do).
I had a long day, and also nothing for K until my sister brought home Indian food.
Kadai is the traditional cooking pot in Indian culture. I didn't have Indian food until about 3 years ago, when we had an inkling to eat from the Indian restaurant on the eastern side of town. We had lamb saagwhala, and our lives were changed. Garlic naan is awesome, too.
Tonight, I had lamb do piazza, which is seemingly a take on Italian? Tomatoes, onions, and garlic. Andi had lamb vindaloo, which has vinegar and something. It was yummy, though.
I'm a lover of most things food, so I implore you all to give something new a try (I'm pretty sure we only have the ONE Indian restaurant). I always try something once (and regret that, I do).
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Jumping in a Puddle
Today's post is brought to you by the Letter J.
Welcome back!
I don't know how many began school in the late 80s/early 90s, but when I was in the first grade, we had a lot of sing-alongs. One was about Sipping Chicken Soup With Rice. The other that I still remember was Jumping in a Puddle.
Jumping in a puddle, getting all wet
Why don't you give it a try?
Jumping in a puddle, getting all wet
Bet you're wondering why I wanna be
Jumping in a puddle, getting all wet
(something that ends in a long yyyy)
Jumping in a puddle, jumping in a puddle
When it rains in the sky
And it goes on. lol
Jumping into puddles is something I don't really do anymore (don't like that wet feet feeling), but jumping is one of the luxuries of childhood. Jumping into puddles, jumping into a pool (oh my God, I want to do that right now; this is pool weather!), jumping up and down on a trampoline. Who didn't love that scene in Big?
For writers, jump into the unknown! Put yourself out there! If writing is something you want to do for more than a hobby, you have to jump. Take that big leap of faith, and just DO IT! There's nothing worse than that "What if I had..." feeling. If you get rejected, you got rejected. Dust yourself off and jump again! Writing as adults, we can still hold onto our childhood by taking that big jump. It will be as liberating as it is scary, but you can do it. :)
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
I am running out of Ideas
I guess it all boils down to the letter, but man.
Today's letter is I, and this is the first time in like 36 hours I've had time to be on a computer for something not work-related. I'm tired.
So what I've decided to leave you with today is a link to a beautiful Pas de Deux by Katee and Will from the 4th Season of So You Think You Can Dance to "Imagine." Katee went on to be runner-up to the amazing Joshua, and she won either $5000 or $2500 dollars. I can't remember the amount, but I remember her doubling over in shock.
Here you go. I will see you tomorrow. ;)
So what I've decided to leave you with today is a link to a beautiful Pas de Deux by Katee and Will from the 4th Season of So You Think You Can Dance to "Imagine." Katee went on to be runner-up to the amazing Joshua, and she won either $5000 or $2500 dollars. I can't remember the amount, but I remember her doubling over in shock.
Here you go. I will see you tomorrow. ;)
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
H is for HAIR!
Welcome to the letter H!
I actually didn't know what I could write about until I read JuliPage Morgan's entry for the day. She had the same struggle I have had since I was a kid and that is unruly kinky hair. Thank goodness I have no pictures available! lol
For some reason, this is actually a big deal in the black community. Some people forgo BILLS to pay for a weave or a relaxer, and I say, "Really, though?" I'd rather go nappy. lol But anyway, I think my little avatar up there was a year before I did "the big chop," but let's start at the beginning.
My mom never learned how to do hair. The best she could do was braid it up and send us on our way. We were often the kids whose hair was a little too tight, so our eyes would be slightly more slanted than usual. Halfway through the day, my two parallel French braids often came undone. Also, growing up in a predominantly white neighborhood, I often envied my friends, who had long hair they could put up in ponytails or have it fly around in the wind like in the Pert Plus commercials.
In the 3rd grade, my mom decided to give up her "struggle" and sent us somewhere (I can't remember) to get Wave Noveaus. Also known as jheri curls. Now, to be fair, in PA, it didn't look like a jheri curl. My sister and I just had nice, fluffy, curly afros. I have no idea what happened when we moved to Delaware, but if my hair didn't look like I stepped out of an Ashford and Simpson's video, it looked like I'd come through the desert with no activator! So through the 4th grade, I was teased for having an afro (which, ironically has been ALL the rage from the time I got to high school til now!) among other things.
Right at the end of the 4th grade, bless my mother, she sent us to a professional who relaxed our hair, so I was no longer teased for at least the afro.
But here's the problem with my hair. Like Juli's it's really curly and thick in its natural state, but the moment a chemical touches it, it's like thread, and my head is big. So, I'd be walking around with easily breakable, limp hair that for the next 20 years I would wear in a bob. I did get a pixie cut my sophomore year, so everyone called me Halle Berry (why thank you), and I had braids a few times (I was popular in Mexico lol).
Today, though, after I got tired of the life of don't-scratch-or-you'll-burn-to-death and "We have to cut off all the damage," I decided to go completely natural, which means without a relaxer to kill the curls from my hair. At the moment, I have what black people call a TWA: teeny-weeny afro, but I hope to have a slightly big one in a few years. I've come to enjoy my curly hair, as I wanted curly curly hair probably since about 14. Some days I do throw on a wig for the pixie cut I miss, and some days I want to give up and get it relaxed again, but in the end, I know it will be worth it!
I actually didn't know what I could write about until I read JuliPage Morgan's entry for the day. She had the same struggle I have had since I was a kid and that is unruly kinky hair. Thank goodness I have no pictures available! lol
For some reason, this is actually a big deal in the black community. Some people forgo BILLS to pay for a weave or a relaxer, and I say, "Really, though?" I'd rather go nappy. lol But anyway, I think my little avatar up there was a year before I did "the big chop," but let's start at the beginning.
My mom never learned how to do hair. The best she could do was braid it up and send us on our way. We were often the kids whose hair was a little too tight, so our eyes would be slightly more slanted than usual. Halfway through the day, my two parallel French braids often came undone. Also, growing up in a predominantly white neighborhood, I often envied my friends, who had long hair they could put up in ponytails or have it fly around in the wind like in the Pert Plus commercials.
In the 3rd grade, my mom decided to give up her "struggle" and sent us somewhere (I can't remember) to get Wave Noveaus. Also known as jheri curls. Now, to be fair, in PA, it didn't look like a jheri curl. My sister and I just had nice, fluffy, curly afros. I have no idea what happened when we moved to Delaware, but if my hair didn't look like I stepped out of an Ashford and Simpson's video, it looked like I'd come through the desert with no activator! So through the 4th grade, I was teased for having an afro (which, ironically has been ALL the rage from the time I got to high school til now!) among other things.
Right at the end of the 4th grade, bless my mother, she sent us to a professional who relaxed our hair, so I was no longer teased for at least the afro.
But here's the problem with my hair. Like Juli's it's really curly and thick in its natural state, but the moment a chemical touches it, it's like thread, and my head is big. So, I'd be walking around with easily breakable, limp hair that for the next 20 years I would wear in a bob. I did get a pixie cut my sophomore year, so everyone called me Halle Berry (why thank you), and I had braids a few times (I was popular in Mexico lol).
Today, though, after I got tired of the life of don't-scratch-or-you'll-burn-to-death and "We have to cut off all the damage," I decided to go completely natural, which means without a relaxer to kill the curls from my hair. At the moment, I have what black people call a TWA: teeny-weeny afro, but I hope to have a slightly big one in a few years. I've come to enjoy my curly hair, as I wanted curly curly hair probably since about 14. Some days I do throw on a wig for the pixie cut I miss, and some days I want to give up and get it relaxed again, but in the end, I know it will be worth it!
Monday, April 8, 2013
G is for Getting Old
I've declared myself done work for the morning. I'll resume after lunch. So while I'm doing that, hello! Today's letter is G.
I knew around 13 that I was getting old. I slipped into teenage years and freaked out because I was no longer a child. 20 came around, and I freaked out a little more gracefully when I realized I was no longer a teenager. So this year I'm going to be 29, and these things are happening to my body:
My joints ache.
My bones pop or something. I don't know what's happening.
I'm sleepy all day.
I forget a lot.
Come on, man.
Everyone said it would happen around the late 20s, but man, I thought I was slightly better shape. I need to hit a gym or something. Take vitamins. *sigh*
Oh well. Off to bloghop!
I knew around 13 that I was getting old. I slipped into teenage years and freaked out because I was no longer a child. 20 came around, and I freaked out a little more gracefully when I realized I was no longer a teenager. So this year I'm going to be 29, and these things are happening to my body:
My joints ache.
My bones pop or something. I don't know what's happening.
I'm sleepy all day.
I forget a lot.
Come on, man.
Everyone said it would happen around the late 20s, but man, I thought I was slightly better shape. I need to hit a gym or something. Take vitamins. *sigh*
Oh well. Off to bloghop!
Saturday, April 6, 2013
F is for Friends Who Do Stuff Together...
Today's letter is F!
I really do have great friends, and on a busy week like this, it means a lot to do stuff with them. I acquired most of the ones I have now through the young adult choir at my church, but then there are ones I grew up with, my sister and cousin from the A and C entries. We go through a lot as young Christians, and there isn't anything better than having other young Christians there for encouragement, prayer, good times, bad times, fun and silliness. As a choir, we've been together for I think 4 years now, and I know nothing's going to separate us, especially when we have the love of God.
I also got to go up to Elkins Park (Philly) to celebrate my childhood best friend's mother's 60th birthday! I hadn't seen them since my friend's Bat Mitvah, so it was so great to see her again, and her little sister who was a very weird little kid but has blossomed into a young woman! My older sister used to babysit them, and she attributes part of her growing up to their mom. I feel like we were at their house every day. lol Though it's clear none of us have changed much (we're still awkward homebodies, even though she's living in Philly, and I still long to go back), we're going to try to meet up more often. 15 years is just way too long. I also got to meet her best friend from after we all moved away, and she is so great and funny! We all gelled very nicely.
I'm not one to keep many real friends around, so when I get some, I try to treasure them forever. I hope you all do, too!
Friday, April 5, 2013
E is for Everyone!
It will be midnight by the time I hit publish, so I should do this now while it's still on my mind.
Thank you for returning! It is Day 5 of the A to Z Blog Challenge, and I dedicate this one to one of my favorite Backstreet Boys (yes, BSB 4 LIFE) songs: "Everyone" from their Black & Blue album, not to be confused with "Everybody (Backstreet's Back)" from their Backstreet's Back album.
Here is a link to the live Yahoo! webcast they did back when I was in high school.
(And a quick intro for those who I will assume don't know the Boys: First Bandanna: Brian. Blonde one: Nick. Second Bandanna: AJ. Short Brunette: Howie. Cornrow Brunette: Kevin.)
I send this link in particular and not a simple video with the song on the album, because it was this performance that made me draw a treatment for the song.
Just in case someone doesn't know and/or didn't grow up with MTV's Making the Video, a treatment is what the directors come up with for music videos. Once upon a time, I had a desire to make video treatments. I made one in script-form for Hanson's song "Yearbook" and mailed it to SOMEONE. I have no idea who received it! I thought up a few others, but the summer of Black & Blue, I decided to draw a comic-style treatment for "Everyone".
The theme: "Inside the circus" (AJ sings it in Verse 2). Brian was the ring leader; Nick rode an elephant (that's all he did); Howie was the magician; AJ was "The Chameleon", whom Howie changed from a panther in his first trick, and then AJ's clothes changed colors based on what he walked on; and Kevin ate fire. There were Batman Forever-style drummers and dancers flying around, and in the end, they all got together to do the dance in the chorus (the long-and-slow salute thing).
Ironically, I was on a cruise with the Backstreet Boys two years ago. Did I take my treatment to them so they could at least sign it? Sure didn't! It's still in a bin in my closet. -_- So needless to say, my video treatment career never took off.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
D is for the Deborah's!!
It's still the 4th. It's still the 4th. It's still the 4th.
This is why I don't do things on an impulse. I decided to do this challenge the day it started, knowing this is the busiest month I've ever had!
But anyway, good evening! It's Day 4 of the A to Z Blog Challenge. D is interesting and has a back story.
As most know (I hope), my name is Deborah. It's a name so rooted into my personality that I couldn't even part with it for my pen name. I hate to be called Debbie by strangers, so when it happens, if I don't cringe and let it happen, a stern "DEBORAH" comes after no matter what you're saying to me. I blame this sort of on my mom, who wouldn't let anyone call me Debbie when I was kid.
Sooooo, why did she name me after her baby sister, my aunt Debbie? People say there is power in a name, and these ladies, like most sisters, call each other crazy (rightfully so, I might add) on a daily basis, and yet, she named me Deborah. Mind you, my aunt's name is deBORah, and mine is DEBorah, but..Power in a name, Mom, power in a name.
And while we're on the topic, my family has this thing about not letting a name DIE. I say this because my aunt Debbie is named after HER aunt Deborah, apparently another crazy lady because crazy runs in our family. I have yet to meet her, but I have a feeling when I do, there will be a dramatic reaction just based on the last time my mom and aunts reunited with her.
So, I feel like, just out of spite and a love for Gilmore Girls, I'm going to name one of my children deBORah, and call her Rory. Keep the name going, and see for how long it lasts...Yes. I just might do that.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
C is for Candyce and Carrie!
I don't remember adding this yesterday...If not, I'll just throw it in there.
So even though I put her second, I'll start with my mom, Carrie, also known as Louise when she annoys me. She is a very sweet lady who is easily excited (and stressed) by just about everything. Why we don't have a reality show is beyond me, because this lady alone can entertain with her mood swings, high pitched upset voice, and her ADHD-like symptoms. I got the grammar gene from her; she was an English tutor in college. And the Spanish gene, I suppose; that's what she majored in (because she was too scared to major in Voice)! She is a Med-Surg Bachelors of Science Registered Nurse and Certified Diabetes Educator. There's almost nothing you can't ask her that she won't know the answer to. I just call her an MSNBC, but I think it's really MSRN, BSN, CDE...that looks right. And like Cliff Huxtable, no matter how many times we've left, she's let us return home. Not particularly against her will, because she thinks we're cool kids, lol, but she's also very selfless and never hesitates to give. That's my mommy. =D
Then, there is my cousin Candyce (CanDEEchay when we want to get fancy...and silly), who is the coolest chic there is. Of the three of us (being Andi, her, and me), Candyce might actually be the quiet and shy one, but once you get to know her, she is crazy. We always laugh. She has a gorgeous voice and loves hair. hehe She's also a great mom, and her son is going to be a prodigy when he gets older. It's almost scary. Anyway, we've grown up together, lived together on occasion, and we're about to live together again! It's going to be a wild house. haha
I don't know what I'd do without these two crazy, classy, and cool ladies!
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I don't remember adding this yesterday...If not, I'll just throw it in there.
So even though I put her second, I'll start with my mom, Carrie, also known as Louise when she annoys me. She is a very sweet lady who is easily excited (and stressed) by just about everything. Why we don't have a reality show is beyond me, because this lady alone can entertain with her mood swings, high pitched upset voice, and her ADHD-like symptoms. I got the grammar gene from her; she was an English tutor in college. And the Spanish gene, I suppose; that's what she majored in (because she was too scared to major in Voice)! She is a Med-Surg Bachelors of Science Registered Nurse and Certified Diabetes Educator. There's almost nothing you can't ask her that she won't know the answer to. I just call her an MSNBC, but I think it's really MSRN, BSN, CDE...that looks right. And like Cliff Huxtable, no matter how many times we've left, she's let us return home. Not particularly against her will, because she thinks we're cool kids, lol, but she's also very selfless and never hesitates to give. That's my mommy. =D
Then, there is my cousin Candyce (CanDEEchay when we want to get fancy...and silly), who is the coolest chic there is. Of the three of us (being Andi, her, and me), Candyce might actually be the quiet and shy one, but once you get to know her, she is crazy. We always laugh. She has a gorgeous voice and loves hair. hehe She's also a great mom, and her son is going to be a prodigy when he gets older. It's almost scary. Anyway, we've grown up together, lived together on occasion, and we're about to live together again! It's going to be a wild house. haha
I don't know what I'd do without these two crazy, classy, and cool ladies!
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
B is for Bad Day...and Banana Rum...and Bread
Welcome to Day 2 of the A to Z challenge!
It's not that I'm having a bad day, but I didn't get to sleep when I said I wanted to, and now that that's happened, everyone is calling at work, and everyone needs something for me to do, and I would just like to sleep.
*another scan grrr*
Anyway, so tonight around 7pm, I will be sipping on a shot of Banana Rum Cream which I purchased in Jamaica on my cousin's birthday cruise, and I will be going to bed at 9pm. If I'm tweeting at 8:59, someone tell me to close my laptop and my eyes.
Now that Easter is over, my church's extensive fast is over, so I can eat bread again without feeling guilty. I did eat bread a few times during the fast, because I just can't not eat bread. Take away my meat and fish. Cool. GIVE ME MY BREAD! I love bread. Wheat, white, rye, pumpernickel, sourdough. All of it. I need it. It's my life force.
Okay, I must make this short, because I have work to do. Hopefully, I'll get around to other people's B-attitudes today (badump ch!).
Monday, April 1, 2013
A is for Andi and Allen
Andi is my sister two years younger than me. Oddly enough, she acts like she's the older one. Or maybe I act like the younger one; I don't know. Anyways, We've been joined at the hip since I can remember walking and talking. She's the Brain to my Pinky, the Beavis to my Butthead, and more popularly, the Ashley to my Mary Kate. Most people do think we're twins, so when they find out we're two years apart AND that I'm the older one, they're pleasantly surprised.
Like me, Andi is a writer, and while I think she's been on hiatus for some time (college really does that to you), she's a great romance writer. I can always relate to her characters, and even when she's delved a little into the surreal with her work (or especially, I guess), I've loved every word she's written. I hope she gets back to it in full force soon!
Allen is my brother from my other mother, my mom's baby sister. Our family is close-knit, and throughout the years, we've all lived together in various time-frames and mixings. Allen is the oldest boy of the 15 grandchildren, and he's two years older than me. Growing up, we played Nintendo, then Sega together, watched wrestling and wrestled together (until the day I bit through my tongue, but I did win a 50-cent piece for breaking out of a full nelson later on in our craziness), and most importantly: he introduced me to Final Fantasy, which has managed to weave itself through my life since about 1999 and helped me create my current fantasy WIP, Save the Queen.
He's a great father and uncle, and he still has my Final Fantasy Crisis Core case, but I love him anyway. :)
Like me, Andi is a writer, and while I think she's been on hiatus for some time (college really does that to you), she's a great romance writer. I can always relate to her characters, and even when she's delved a little into the surreal with her work (or especially, I guess), I've loved every word she's written. I hope she gets back to it in full force soon!
Allen is my brother from my other mother, my mom's baby sister. Our family is close-knit, and throughout the years, we've all lived together in various time-frames and mixings. Allen is the oldest boy of the 15 grandchildren, and he's two years older than me. Growing up, we played Nintendo, then Sega together, watched wrestling and wrestled together (until the day I bit through my tongue, but I did win a 50-cent piece for breaking out of a full nelson later on in our craziness), and most importantly: he introduced me to Final Fantasy, which has managed to weave itself through my life since about 1999 and helped me create my current fantasy WIP, Save the Queen.
He's a great father and uncle, and he still has my Final Fantasy Crisis Core case, but I love him anyway. :)
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